Tuesday, June 30, 2009


How is it fair that this 2 yo got a perfectly heart shaped pout? It's so wholly unfair to the rest of us.

We agreed to meet at 8 am to "beat the heat." Yeah, that worked out nicely... it was a blazing inferno even at that early hour.  Despite the heat, this session was so fun. You never know what to expect from kiddos this young, so you just have to go with the flow. And Mom sent me the nicest note afterwards, thanking me for the session.

Friday, June 26, 2009

6 days old




babies as sweet as this are not helping my urge to have another.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another Quick Update

Boy am I swamped these days and working fast and furiously on client pictures!! This is just a quickie update... I realized I don't have many pictures of my Emily or my Presley on this blog, so I am adding some of Emily. Poor Presley has "photographer's kid" syndrome and runs, runs, runs and screams when I pull the camera out. I must have scarred her for life... seconds after giving birth, I was snapping away, the nurse left the room and told the grandmas that "Tracy's legs are still in the stirrups and she is snapping away!   I have never seen a woman grab her camera so quickly after giving birth!" Better than when I gave birth to Jude and the doctor and nurse had to tell me to put the camera away as he was coming within seconds and that I was not going to be able to take pictures of my own birth. True story!  In my defense, I wasn't trying to take my own pictures... I was trying to adjust the settings on my camera so my dear friend Krista could take the pictures!

Ok, I went off on a WAY TMI (that's "too much information" for those of you not used to texting) tangent. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just a Quick Update

Things have been a bit crazy around the Robinson household lately with sick kiddos, start of summer activities, and the birth of my new little niece to name a few. You can bet you'll be seeing a select few pix of the birth and some newborn shots in the near future!

What's a post without some pix?

Here was a 5 week old that just didn't want to give me many sleepy newborn shots (maybe bc 5 weeks is no longer newborn? are they considered "infants" at that point?), but we got some good "awake" shots anyway!

Something about the look on her sweet sweet face is so compelling to me...

And just a couple more of Sister and The Bubbas.

Can't you just see that last shot on canvas? I do love me some shabby chic vintagey pix!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sister and the Bubbas

Does that not sound like a sweet 70s disco/rock band?  Well its not.. its my client!

Meet Sister.

Meet The Bubbas.

I seriously giggle a little everytime I remember that they call these boys The Bubbas. Its so perfect. I want to start calling my girls The Bubbas b/c its pretty much the coolest nickname EVER.

When I asked Mom how I could tell the twins apart so I would know what to call them, she said I probably wouldn't be able to, but that one of them had slightly darker green shoes than the other. And I wanted to ask her if she ever had trouble telling them apart but knew that was a stupid question for the mother of twins {grin}... so I kept quiet even though I really wanted to know... and STILL do want to know {wink!}.

Mom, hope the kids got their trip to the Disney store after you see their pictures and know we captured some good ones!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nothing went right on this shoot...

... but somehow it all turned out OK. First of all, I went to the wrong location. Ummm- hello, doesn't everyone know that when you agree to meet at Fellowship of the Woodlands, that REALLY means meet at Woodlands United Methodist? DUH. Maybe scheduling a shoot with me should come with a disclaimer "photographer is NON spacial and does not know her way around. You MUST confirm location with her at least 3 times prior to the shoot."


(I just couldn't bring myself to edit out the drool below)
So since I was already 30 minutes late, little Tristan had been running around in the wonderful crisp Texas weather (NOT) and was a bit on the er, sweaty side by the time I got there. I brought my 6 year old Emily along, as she is a fantastic photographer's assistant and her silly dance moves bring out smiles in even the most cranky toddlers. The huge fountain was a little too much for her take and within 5 minutes, she had gotten all the way in, totally clothed.- maybe I should rethink my strategy of using child labor.... I decided to let her play while we took some pictures of the kiddos.

However,  Tristan couldn't resist either, so within another 2 minutes, he was in the fountain as well. So off came the shorts and the rest of the photo shoot was done with him in his little blue polo shirt and new "Cars" underoos.

BUT, the session turned out GREAT! Look at these candid shots. This is what being a boy is all about. Running around splashing in your underoos. Little girls often like dressing up and getting their picture taken. Little boys like running. And getting dirty. And flying like superheros!  Love it. Left the shoot with the biggest smile on my face knowing I got some fantastic candids.

Too bad dad couldn't make it. Oh wait, here is a picture of him. 
 (Ok, that's my attempt at being funny b/c the family resemblance is SOOOO STRONG!)

Another funny part of the shoot... when we were finishing up, my husband brought my kiddos out to say hello (we all go way back ;)) and my girls, who were dressed up in their princess outfits, ALSO had their Cars underoos on.  Why do my girls wear little boy's underwear you may ask? Why the answer is simple. Because they have "pockets," of course.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Justa few pix

Just sharing a few pix I snapped of a colleague's sweet little girl. She doesn't know many words yet, but she does call her dad "Bob." In case you were wondering, his name is nothing close to Bob. Awesome.

 I do love a good reflective surface ;)

{playing for change}

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All images and content of this site belong to Tracy Genovese Robinson and {doe•ee•bird} photography and are protected under the federal copyright laws. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce images without written permission from the photographer.
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Pricing adjustments will be in effect effective March 15. Any 2010 sessions booked prior to March 15 will be grandfathered into current prices.

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