Babies never grow as much as they do in their first year of life. The type of growth a baby experiences in that first year is equivalent to me gaining 300 pounds, learning to understand Portugese, sprouting wings and taking flight (now there is a sight... a 420 lb Portugese speaking photographer flying through the air...)
One of my biggest regrets in life (and I try not to regret ANYTHING... it is such a pointless emotion, don't you agree?) is not having an organized photo album of each of my kids that showed that first incredible year. Sure, I took thousands of pictures. And they now happily reside on a pretty silver external hard drive.
I finally got my act together and started creating awesome birthday signature albums for each of my kids. And one day - in between soccer games, birthday parties, and staying up all night with whoever has contracted the virus of the week- I will get around to printing and organizing baby books.
So what's my point? I am going to, very soon, introduce a very cool baby plan for that first amazing year. The details are being tweaked (i.e: I need to create pretty brochure that sums it all up), but give me a holler ( if you just can't wait and want to hear more :-).
And some recent newborn pix.
This little beauty was perfect, just perfect.
I love her little round face!

Tags: Houston newborn photography, Houston newborn photographer, The Woodlands newborn photography, The Woodlands newborn photography