Saturday, October 31, 2009

The word "Cute" is overused in this society...

... and especially by yours truly.

I was out clothes shopping with a friend once at Target (YES people , shopping for clothes at Target. Their stuff is CUTE) and somehow Jesse had gotten dragged (gotten drug?) along with us. I noticed out of the corner of my eye he was snickering at us. Why you ask? Because of the number of times we picked something up and said :

"Oh, this is so CUTE!"
"Look at this CUTE {insert whatever}!"
"ahmigod, like I am totally in love with this CUTE {insert whatever}"

Ever since witnessing his little smirk, I have been self conscious about using that word.


There are lots of synomyns for this word:

ambrosial, appealing, attractive, captivating, charming, darling, dear, delectable, delicious, delightful, dishy, dreamy, fetching, heavenly,pleasing, precious, lovable, pretty, adorable...

So please take a look at this ambrosial, delectable, fetching , precious, lovable, pretty, dishy wee baby.

Ok forget it. This is just plain cute damnit.

Go ahead and make fun of me.

Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We can all pretend right?

That my girls actually act like this.

Instead of biting, hitting and kicking each other. Not that they do that. Just sayin...

In all honesty though, my kiddos DO love each other. They just have the same sibling rivalry any other family does. Times four.  One of my favorite stories is from Kaylee's Preschool teacher recanting how Kaylee became IRATE after seeing a kid push Emily on the playground. She was about 18 months old and marched up to that 3.5 year old and pushed him right back!  OK- maybe a story about playground violence shouldn't make me happy. But it does :).

I think I'm getting this on canvas.

Yes. I am.

Sorry Jesse- we ARE going to have to build more walls!!

I'm short on words this morning...

but just had to post a little sneak peek. Enjoy this little guy!  He fell asleep on the way to the park, but woke up in a fine mood- as you can tell!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hi! My name is Olivia and I am very round!

I have lots of rolls and do you like my big hazel eyes?

My aunt Tracy is supposed to be working on client pictures right now but she loves me so so so very much, she is playing around with all of my pictures!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pictures...Totally out of Order

Here I go ... posting pictures totally out of order. But its a pretty good reflection of how my brain is working these days. Can you say "discombobulated?" (Yes, I need get the dictionary out to make sure I am using that term right...not so sure I am... but don't you just love that word so so so very much?) Jesse told me once that he thinks I got stupider after I had kids. And he didn't mean it in a derogatory manner, because I couldn't agree more.

The things that come out of my mouth are really unbelievable. They make no sense. Jesse just stares at me and wonders what happened to the chick he met back in 98 at that karaoke bar.  The chick that used to be relatively sharp (OK, is that an oxymoron? Meeting a "smart" girl at a karaoke bar whose biggest draw was the $2 pitchers?)

These days,  I put things in the most random places. On any given day, you will see me walking around barefoot outside calling my cell phone because I don't know where it is (In my defense, Kaylee found Ms. Pac Man on my phone and is quite obsesssed). That is- on days I even remember to charge it.

And if you could see me now. Blogging at 4 am in my jammies... with crooked eyeglasses on (lost my latest/newest pair, and "hid" my box of contacts from the kids after they broke into the child proof locks in the bathroom cabinet, thus hiding them from myself)... wearing a huge winter coat with a faux fur collar because I don't know where any of the robes I own are (how do you misplace a big fluffy robe?). But I DID remember to wear my pedometer... cause I expect to get a lot of steps in sitting here blogging (more on why I am wearing a pedometer with jammies later....get your mind of out of the gutter people!)

I'm kind of like little Kaylee. Last night, she was running around the house naked (in October...oops, probably not a good idea). We asked her no less than 5 times to go upstairs and put a pull-up and jammies on. She finally acquiesced, and about 2 minutes later, came downstairs with one pair of panties on. With one leg through the waist and backwards. Perfectly acceptable and comfortable to her, she went on her merry way and continued to play.

She's five. And still can't concentrate enough on the task at hand to get herself dressed.  And the strangest thing? The only problem her teachers ever report is that "her volume is rather loud." I just love the way her sweet PreK teacher told us this during our parent/teacher meeting. Like she didn't want to offend us. Like we didn't already know HOW LOUD SHE WAS.

Oh, and I almost forgot! Emily learned to ride a bike this week without training wheels!! It was quite exciting. Kaylee is next. She can't stop smiling enough to concentrate on balance.  Her day will come soon enough.

I asked Emily the other day if she wanted another baby brother or sister. She just looked at me in disgust (yes, a 6 year old can pull off a look of disgust quite well) and said "No. You already got way too many kids." She is the THIRD KID that has told me that!! Wierd!

Ok, that's a lot of info about me. Maybe the paint fumes are getting to me. We had our entire house painted yesterday. I still can't decide if its a wonderful, earthy, warm, inviting, cozy, organic green. Or the color of a dirty diaper.

Enough about me.  Here are some out of those out of order pictures. This one was just too pretty to wait to share.

Here I am in action!  This was taken by Courteney Miller at our recent family shoot (more on THAT later).

And here is little Presley. She hearts these boots. I heart them too because I can remember Emily wearing them every single day. Then Kaylee following suit. Now Presley dons them daily. Sigh.

And my sweet niece Olivia- 4 months and 4 days.

Thanks for listening to the ramblings of a discombobulated (hey, I have to use that word every chance I get because I LOVE IT SO, SO, SO VERY MUCH) mommy/photographer.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

One Love

This organization, Playing for Change, generously allowed me to use some of their music for my website. I thought it was time for another one of their amazing videos.

From their website:
Let’s get together and feel alright”. While recording and filming in Dharmsala India, where we planned to add some Tibetan singers to this track we passed by a small record shop on the side of the road. The display featured about 50 Tibetan CD covers and one Bob Marley album in the middle. This song around the world is in dedication to the love inside each of us. We can achieve far more together as a human race than we ever can apart. One Love.

Playing For Change | Song Around The World "One Love" from Playing For Change on Vimeo.

They are a grassroots movement, so stop what you are doing, go to their website and buy some of their music- GUARANTEED to make you smile ;-).

Friday, October 16, 2009

There's nothing quite like a newborn is there?

I heart newborns.  Meet Ms. Emily on her 6 day birthday.

And here is little brother. As I was leaving his house, he kept asking in little 3 yo voice (with a teensy tiny hint of a Southern twang) "Ms. Tracy, why do you have to go?"  Sweet, sweet boy.  Dosen't he kind of look like Jude with the blond curls and big blue eyes?

Speaking of Jude. I had concluded earlier in this week that he either 1) needed Prozac, 2) had been possessed by Satan, or 3) had something seriously medically wrong with him. The all week. FINALLY though - he told me his ear hurt, and turns out he had (as the pediatrician so bluntly put it), a "rip roaring ear infection." Strange as it sounds, I have never been so happy to hear those words. I almost broke down in her office and kissed her feet.  It meant that he wasn't a raving lunatic with a serious mood disorder... he was just in excruciating pain. Which of course is very sad, but TOTALLY FIXABLE. Had she told me nothing was wrong with him medically, you would have found me cowering in my dark closet, rocking back and forth, singing to myself,  and chewing on my toes in an effort to hide from the brute fiend that had overtaken my house.

It's amazing what one little dose of Amoxicillian can do for a kid!!  A little shot of antibiotic, a chewable motrin and my sweet (albeit somewhat mouthy and demanding) little boy was back.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Let the Fall Madness Begin!

Look at these handsome guys!  I'm on a roll this morning- it's amazing what I can accomplish when the girls are at Nannie's house. I'm posting totally out of order- have a session from two weeks ago that needs to be finished!

I pull out some pretty strange tricks to get kids to laugh... there was only one song I could have sung to elicit the hysterics (from kids AND dad) below.  I certainly can't write the lyrics here, but it goes something like this..."When you're sliding into first, and you feel something..." If you don't know the song, don't worry, your 2nd grader will probably come home singing it one day.

Completely, utterly, and totally inappropriate. But aren't the expressions priceless ;-)?!?!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just a couple more...

from this session. I'm about to go drink some wine with some other mamas!

Oh I am about to get crazy busy with fall sessions. I should be stressed out, but am so excited! Can't wait to meet all my new clients in person!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I spent all morning updating my website! Check it out here.

And a couple of new pix:

This girl was soooooooo shy. Here she is hiding shyly behind her dad's hands when I met her for the first time-

Here she is after she got a little more used to me and my camera. Bribery definitely helped! Although...I promised her a lollipop, and apparently lollipops and suckers aren't the same thing. She knew the difference... and wouldn't settle for substitution. Oops, sorry Mom and Dad!

More pictures later. Jesse took the kids out of the house for a few hours so I could work and I hear them coming home!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I am totally...


If you call or email for fall sessions, I am going to have to pull a Jedi mind trick and tell you that you don't really want to schedule a session in 2009 , nor do you really want pictures in time for Christmas, but that what you really want is a 2010 session and pictures for Valentines Day or Mother's Day! My fall sessions are totally booked and even January is starting to fill up! I have some availability in December, but won't be able to guarantee anything in time for Christmas. Another reason to buy a gift certificate from me if you weren't able to get a 2009 session in!

And hmmmm, talking about Christmas makes me feel all gooey inside, so about a little promo? Buy a gift certificate from me before October 21, and I'll add on another 50%! So for example, you buy one for $100, I'll kick in another $50... total gift certificate for $150!  See how easy that is? I didn't even have to open up Excel or search in the black hole known as the Robinson Family Junk Drawer for a calculator to figure that one out!

It has to be a real GIFT people, not buying one for a session you have already booked or for your own session. And you have to spend at least $75.

And what's a post without a picture? How about another one of my sweet Presley, whose long, drawn out "mommy, I loooooooovvvvvveeeeee you" sentiments have pierced my very soul. Good thing too, because after the meltdown of the day yesterday, I needed to hear her tell me that post-meltdown.

For curious minds, the meltdown of the day revolved around what to wear. I am to the point where I don't care what she puts on, I'll let her wear jammies all day, if

Oh and one more thing, I am in process of updating my website with all new pix and other awesomeness! Hopefully, cross your fingers, I'll get it done this weekend. Whoo hoo!

{playing for change}

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All images and content of this site belong to Tracy Genovese Robinson and {doe•ee•bird} photography and are protected under the federal copyright laws. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce images without written permission from the photographer.
And it's totally bad karma.


Pricing adjustments will be in effect effective March 15. Any 2010 sessions booked prior to March 15 will be grandfathered into current prices.

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