Here are some of the first few pix I took with it (which are already some of my favorite pix of Kaylee!)
ALSO. If you like the music on my site (the rendition of Stand by Me), then I encourage you to go to the Playing for Change website . This organization released their first album this week. In their own words,
"The album demonstrates that regardless of our religion, race, gender, or political views we can unite through music. The time is now to unite as a human race and this global collaboration driven by your love and encouragement is designed to lead us in that direction."
If you want some serious goosebumps, head on over to their site and sample some of their music. I can almost guarantee it will be the best 5 minutes of your day today.
Enjoy the lovely outtake of my Kaylee ;)!
What kind of lens is it?
Yes, talk equipment. My husband is a youth sports photographer and some children portraits. All natural lighting and expressions, too. Don't you love the unexpected way kids give you more than you can hope from a session?!
Thanks for sharing your talents of photography and gab. I like when a photographer "puts it all out there."
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